Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Great festival Friends,
The time to begin all our Festival of Trees projects is sneaking up on me so fast! For those of you who don’t know I started an international adoption at the beginning of the year. We thought we would have them home by now and it would have given us a little time to adjust before the busyness of festival began. Unfortunately, we have hit some major road bumps and we are still working on it. So where does that put festival? I am hoping you will all continue to be extremely helpful and will forgive me for changing some of our traditional things around a little.

I would like to have our project day be SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9TH! Please coem with an idea of when you want to work your two shifts so you can sign up on the schedule. I need to have this all worked out ASAP.

Everyone is still required to make eight greats gift to sell in the gift Boutique. Turn those gifts into me as soon as you can.

I will also have your ticket packets at our Oct. 9th. Please try to sell, sell, sell! Last year we out sold every other committee in pre-sell tickets. I am still trying to think of an awesome prize for all of you (I won a super cute scarf but I didn’t see the purpose in cutting it up into 25 pieces for all of you!)

I am still asking for the $30.00 donation. That will be ten dollars each for three projects. I am hoping that I can delegate the three projects to some willing volunteers. Please let me know which project you would be willing to oversee. This will lift my stress level so much!
1. Sweet Shoppe-
We will again have “Barbs Goodies” make all our treats for us. They have become a favorite at festival. Many people look for the product now so they ask me to bring it before opening night. We are so grateful for Barbara Goode and her yummy treats! Debbie, can you head this up since you are my contact for her anyway?
2. Small Fry-
I think I got an easy one this year. It’s just a candy bar wrapped up as a snowman. They should be quick to do. You never know until you start, though. Please let me know if you are willing to go and purchase all the items and get it ready for us to make them on the 9th.
3. Committee Project-
I want to keep it simple so I was thinking of donating a quilt to our new quilt block department. I know I have some great quilters on our committee. Is anyone interested in heading this project up. I have lots of African fabric so this could be our theme, if you wanted. However if you have another idea for a quilt or an entirely different idea, please let me know. If we do a quilt you will need to fill out the registration forms and get those in.
Thanks, for all you r help and support! I hope you all know how much a absolutely cherish you!
Love ya, Aimee

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